Thursday, July 18, 2013


Perception: Christians are primarily motivated by a political agenda and promote right-wing politics.

New Perception: Christians are characterized by respecting people, thinking biblically, and finding solutions to complex situations.
           I myself do not involve myself in politics. It has never been much of an interest to me. But the chapter urged Christians to do so, and I plan to process how God could use me in that setting. Nonetheless, the short chapter was insightful in how Christians are viewed to be to right winged and political and how we might respond appropriately to the unChristian view.

Impacting quotes form the chapter:

-Our lives should reflect Jesus, which includes not just how we vote, but every element of our political engagement – our conversations about politics as well as our attitudes about ideological opponents.

-As Christians we have much to learn about engaging in right ways and for the right reasons. Based on the data we have been collecting for the last three years, I believe we have to reconsider our strategies and approaches related to politics, or we risk losing appropriate forms of political influence and damaging our credibility in representing Jesus to outsiders.

-You cannot change an individual’s morality through legislation, but the reality is that laws deeply affect our culture and create social expectations for the people living in it…As an ancient Greek musician Damon of Athens said, “Show me the lyric of a nation and it matters not who writes its laws.” Movies, television books, magazines, the Internet, and music are incredibly significant in shaping the worldviews and lifestyles of today’s America. Where is God calling you to serve him – media, arts and entertainment politics, education, church, business, science?

-Be willing to talk with Christians of different racial and ethnic backgrounds about their political persuasions. Chances are their perspectives will challenge you. Learn how their views of politics and culture are shaping their engagement with the world.

-Christians do a lot of complaining about the society and how bad things are in politics, but they don’t do much more than complain. The point is that you have to offer more than an opinion. 

          Most importantly, remember real change comes from deeply transforming their hearts, by helping them embrace a passionate, thoughtful, personal connection to Jesus.

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