Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Simple Complexity


Simple words after my morning devotional.

God gave me needs. Ones that I am driven to self-fulfill.
God gave me free will. Which I take with greed.
I make choices I know are wrong. I allow sin to fill my heart, and deceit to cloud my mind.
But God is still good. He waits patiently for me. He is not weary as I am.
He is not angry with my rebellion.
God gives me love. Which I reject thinking I can find it elsewhere.
Again, he waits.
God gave me His Son. A beacon of light for my life hidden in the shadows.
That too, I run from. But God gives me Grace. And open arms.
Which eventually I run into with exhaust.
His embrace is full of mercy and encouragement.
His mighty power is great and His glory beautiful.
As a child filled with wonder, I tremble.
But with the gift of knowledge I thirst for more.
